it was a blast ... bandung is so stylo ... and i love the fact that at every corner you see people playing either the guitar or chess ... i've listened to good musicians in my short stay ... and watched them bandungites play chess; they really strategise and put a lot of thoughts in their game ... i was impressed ... best gila!!!
in the past, i've heard peeps describing the indonesians as one emotional lot; they act ikoot perasaan and only think after ... i noted that same traits in their folklore ... ikoot perasaan sungguh + agak ganas ... what does our folklore tell peeps about us?
oh! ... and dalam my kejakunan + excitement observing the marriage of contemporary architecture with indonesian intricate workmanship in kampung daun, i jalan stright masuk longkang ... oops!!! ... thanks for laughing your heads off at me, mereka yang nampak ...
hugs to all blogger mates!!! really miss you guys ... :o)
p.s. dzu ... i left your number on air asia's sickbag ... i have a picture as proof. do wait by the phone, your prince charming might just ring. :op
you too busy or not?
i'm too bored.
lets go drinking ini petang.
i miss yew bebeh.
oyy wegra!!
dah balik?yeyeyy..
souvenir ade x?yeyeyyy..:p~
oy oyy go la drinking2 at nite.
oi pompuan longkang.
jom la minum.
/tektik keji nak amik souvenir first before tin2.
honey i'm not home!
weggy, where are you weggy?
cik pms
i'm here ... ayoh! lemme clear up this press conference bull japs ... then i'll call you from a landline ... my phone udah dead ... konfem kene beli mobile baru ...
betul! we drinking at nite yokkk!
baby anisism
i know...
ok ok call me
betik dah janji nak minum malam ni.
tak lewat kot, macam biasa 8 ish.
semua dijemput hadir.
call meeeee!!!
alahh betik ade,i takmo dtg ah...
please don't gedik!
cik pms
8 pm, set
ok weggy
u make sure u kam at 8 aaa
i dontch layan sms tak dapat hadir this time round..
cik pms
ala wegra slalu kasi i harapan palsu. like last time, i kecewa ok.
btw, it's good to have u back :D. err strategist ekk? i know where my next vacation + study trip. BANDUNG! i'm so sucker for chess, even play it sorang-sorang. hahah
on a lighter note, i kennot come la u ols tonight. ada badminton, pms tau .. i dah jelaskan segalanya.
so, tiena - dont worry i'll not be around :D.
pms, dont miss me ok.
wegra, simpan dahulu cenderahati i dr bandung tuh orait?
dzu, kayu manis jgn lupa bawak.
u pull out, u die weggy.
cik pms
i won't pull out ... but the sun baru call ... nasib baik tak balik lagi tau! :op
awatnye lintang pukang system hang ... guwe nak edit + add spices to the story oso kenot!
blogspot mmg biuls.
eh oklah, i nak keluar rumah dah.
u dontch be late.
see ya!
oi still kat opis ke?
wahhhh i was just thinking of hitting the factory outlets in bandung!! hihihi... i like your pic btw... ;)
cik pms
semalam ada kat opis until midnite, pastu surrender
jom! nak gi lagi!!!
factory outlets in town banyak jual fake goods together with seconds kan??
yo wegra!
velkam home aci!
oi tak de pun mamat2 yg hensem call i???
are you sure you left the right number?
i like your moving pictures.
ye...saya jealous.
and my credit still kering.
hi pijah!
i miss kg daun's batagor, and the little huts where u can just laze around after ur meal.
wilujeng sumping, weggs :P
dzu, babes
when you go bali ... i go jelesing oso
if you are taking air asia ... make sure before boarding + landing, you smack loads of sunblock on ya! gila jauh siot jalan, panas gila laks tu.
bertique said i dah itam! demmit yewww bertique! i'm not a fragile kambing!
you've been there??????
canteek gila!!!!! ske the dramatic lelampuan ... and the string quartet was brilliant!!!!!
nasib baik longkang pun stylo + tak dalam...
too bad i went at lunchtime.. so no lampu2an :(
but it was nice to rent a toyota camry from morning till night complete with supir for just RM100.
wanna go bandung again.. waaaaaaa :(
donch cry, weed.
we can still go, lets plan a shoestring trip + you can let my parents babysit zana. :op
if i go, sure uncle salleh want to follow. but then let's bring uncle salleh along, because he will offer to pay for meals at least.
muahahahahahha... (evil laugh with echoes)
btw, did u go to diaz? the best place for fake handbags.. hahahah
wah ada orang dah terrer pakai photobucket siap gerak2 lagii...
makan hati la yew dzu!
wegra, me tak penah pegi bandung lagi!! i thot factory outlets only sells seconds, not fake?? hihihi... kalau fake, then similar to petaling street la... hmmmm...
if uncle salleh want to come, ok oso ... why not? ... can listen to his heroic stories zaman kat uni dulu taim tackle your mom. hik! hik!
cik pms
laa ... dzu jeles tengok my new found skill ke? ingatkan mender nyer ...
kalo factory outlets yang jual seconds je kat outskirts ... kene tanya widie where precisely ... i donch sempat to merayap there laa pulak
honey i'm home home!
you're home???????????????
yey! a new mangsa bully ... :op
wegra! tu gambar b4 or after jatuh longkang tu?
when i was there.. the parents basically brought me to their uni grounds.. nostalgia katanya.. hehe.
nway, the factory outlets don't necessarily sell seconds.. most of it are out-of-season thingies, cuma diaz tu je sells leather goods, asli dan tiruan :P
i'm up.
cik pijah
gambar before terjerumus dalam longkang ... yang best tu, i dressed to kill for dinner masa masuk longkang ... :op
i donch mind visiting their uni ground ... pheewwwiiiittt!
and kat factory outlets bandung banyak gila fake goods ... disappointed tul ... i'd rather use last season + seconds + no brand + kampung brands than fake ... hmmmm ... that sounded eksen ... but what to do, cannot afford anymore, so i accept :op
i baru sampai opis darling ... sat gi call, 6ish
cik yam (heheh)
lupa la, u pun lupa kan .. nak kasi i present yg bli dr bandung. kan?
so biler kita nak buat sessi cik yam dan rakan-rakan blogger ke bandung?
kita gi thailand la betik.
leh tgk pompuan bogel.
err.. i mean permandangan yang chantek..
halu wegra :)
halu mr.baadila :p
bila nak pass cds?
serious ke nak jejalan together gether ... kita gi chiangmai jom tak pun bangkok ... bangkok lah, lagi best
cik pms
yewww gi tiger ngan betik-rul, i go shopping
bila nak dating reramai?
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