anyways, his name is adeeb. adeeb is a male name, isn't it?! he's 7 months old and he's my cousin's eldest.
my mom sees him more often that i do. apparently, only last weekend did she realise that adeeb is a boy.
kemon laa mama ... shy only ...
a dump for endless inane, barely literate, drivel
poor kid..
hahahahahha!! adeeb is so cute and he definitely looks like a boy kid laa! welkam back. how's the reception? any photos taken fr the pelamin?
i was thinking more of "notty pah nor" rather than "poor kid"
i donch berani take picture from pelamin in kuala kangsar ... i hef to very extra berlakon ayu ... but kl reception this weekend, the family gave me consent to take picture from pelamin + table makan beradab ... next week, i'll upload
i'm in love with kuala kangsar!
eh eh! sama.. gi kuala kangsar mmg best.. but not to live there lah.
*ting tong! cikpi meninggalkan pesanan*
tak puas lagi laa, i need another take of kuala kangsar.
love masjid ubudiah, love the old istana, love the old perak architecture + the carving details on the houses, love the makanan, love this shop selling good quality brunei made bhajus for export at dirt cheap, love the morning market where kampung folks jual their antiques, love naz's mom's kampung cooking, love being amongst baik hati + simple kampung folks ...
ske gila!!!
u tulih panjang2.. only one thing that grab my attention.. "BAJU MURAH"!!! weyh! i oso want la like tht!!
that's why tulis pepanjang ... to cater for all target audience
apa lagi ... when can road trip??? kalo nak over night kat taiping, can do at my late grandparents' place.
erk.. got hantu or not there.. if got.. i cabut first lor. takuuuuut..
eh your mom funny lah.
ifzan is so lucky.
dontch angry wegra.
errr ... hehehe!
tido kat lounge le kome, bilik2 kat belakang tu happening sikit.
hmm nmpk yg awak nih dah jatuh hati ngan kk. tapi, apsal tak de crita psl lelaki idaman u tuh?
saja ek cover with the lauk kg, morning market, arkitektur .. heheh ckp jek la ..
sapa? sapa?
*waiting patiently*
i was smitten ngan kuala kangsar la bro. really!
lelaki? kuala kangsar?
naz's 3 younger brothers laa kot ... before balik siap wrestling ngan diorang ... good kids.
haha, adeep. hugs*
kamon la mama. I know!
adeep looks so boy lah. hau kam hau kam...
haha! that's why, i oso donch understan-g my mama ...
yo wegra
dah tgk gubra?
go together2.
plan something jom.
oh my goodness!!!
gubra dah keluar?????
kesian tengok muka dia.. macam horror maut..
gubra sudah open ka?
keh! keh! keh!
his mom + i scared him laa tu. we were shoving each other + i went "kakak", she went "auntie m" over and over.
gubra ... apparently.
temberang lah loh, mana ada gubra.
if you mean, have i seen the movie through her list hari tu. ofkos i donch go.
eh not yet ofen?
i tot ofen oredi.
coz my fren juju gi tgk kat wayang.
premiere kot.
if it ofens..
i suspect next weekend ofen, i won't be around ler. you guys donch have to wait, can go ahead without me.
apa juju kata eh? best ka?
bert said - jom gubra! jom gubra! i nak join.
bert lagik - sorry la guys, something came up la .. u guys enjoy urself ok?
lagi2 bert - so how's gubra? anybody miss me? *sulking*
ya ini adalah siri berckp dgn raja alasan :
ngeh ngeh
biler gubra wei?
nak tgk gak.
where u go next weekend?
why u never bring us?
wait for you lah to watch gubra.
hi pms!
p/s : betik..u kenot give alasan oredi.
eh betik raja alasan ngok ngok! u better kam kam joining ok! else!!! denda kena pakai skirt dzu yg pendeks itu!! on u i'm sure it'll be more like micro mini skirt lah
hi wegra!
hi dzu!
hi pms!
next time i see you remind me to piat your telinga
cik pms
lets tengok
i'm going to bandung la, planned the trip since 2005 lagi ... next month london (insya allah) ... july crash my friend nyer 2nd honeymood destination, jakarta ... keh! keh! keh!
if you peeps don't mind waiting, we can go gubra together gether
bertique in suparrrdzu's skirt
*wegra blocking images out of her head*
dzu dear, this weekend of course cannot. going back to jb maa .. until wednesday. for what? visiting my parents. plus, kambings :P hehehe
but since, wegra pun ala2 terahmad bz .. lepas 4 minggu gubra ditayangkan la baru kita leh ngk gubra ..
wegra, no need to remind one .. you'll definitely ingat to piat my telinga .. btw, tq in advance for the present you wanna give me from bandung, UK and jakarta. lap u :P
pijah, micro mini? i'd rather wear suar ketat :P .. plus, why u always like dzu punya skirt? u wanna pakai is it? ngeh ngeh .. dzu kasi pijah dzu skirt tuh .. hahaha
chill everybody, another 3 days before the next weekend!
i kompius
this weekend i'll be in KL albeit mem-bz-body at a wedding
next weekend bandung
banyak nya your plans.
so...let me get this straight..you wont be around for how long again?
will you be here next weekend?
we go tgk gubra sekali lah.
can ajak brucie sekali since he's like one of us dah.
my skirt where got so pendek one.
skirt you pakai lagi pendek okay..
banyaklah alasan hang.
pidah mabok!
hi zuhri!
ini bukan alasan .. ini betul-betul nih .. hehe tak pe u guys have fun la ok. this week mmg tokleh.
dzu, sila shadap.
weg, so technically, you'll be around this weekend kan?
dzu ngok ngek. tak reti baca kaa?
weg, call me eh. i tadak cdt. kita gi minum jap jom.
cik pms
my phone baru kene bar ... i gi bayo japs!
hi. remember me?
why u never call me?
i miss you.
i rang cik pms, you laks go answering. why should i dial your number?
peace ifzan!
donch go sensitiving
the rest of you
haip! behave!!!
p.s. i kinda miss the racist chinese spammer ... where's he with his thoughts?
i like swimming in shallow pools
err .. ada skandal baru yg i tak tau ker nih?
ngapa wegra ada sket pelik lepas balik dr kk?
adakah dia yg sebenarnya bercintah dgn datuk k?
tapi siapa datuk k yg sebenar?
jgn biarkan hidup anda diselubungi misteri ...
yewww mean khalid mohammad jiwa yang own butique hotel kat kensington, london, since 2003 which is within walking distance from my favourite urban outfitters?????
he's too old for my liking laa bro. mid 40s. dah laa husband orang, i donch do husband orang. more, i GELI tengok his kumis yang tebal.
nak itut gi gubra!!
eyy i keje la this saturday
pastu i cuti till tues.
sila jgn lupe ajak tina :p
hello superrr!!:)
hi ti.e.na
sure you can come with us ... lagi ramai lagi best!
when will they start screening gubra pun?
but i nervous laa to tengok gubra, the poster oso piercing oredi...
nervous ke horny weg?
poster boy tu ada sikit2 abizan apa.. sikit2 la... tang tshirt dia tu. abizan pun pakai tshirt.
hi hanis!
gubra release date 6 april 2006
ti.e.na + meself saturday completely no go ...
other days, a-OK
Respondez, S'il Vous Plait!
cik pms
i now remember what RSVP meant ... that's what i learnt laa ... tak tahu laa pulak if ajaran sesat ...
eleh sekarang geli la ngan kumis .. nanti, menda tuh yg u carik tau .. termimpi2 .. gian nak usap2 kumis ... hahahahha .... eeeewwwwww!!
hahahah gelak tak hingat!
kengkawan, pls come esok .. kesina pmf, dah ler gigih membuat booking bagai .. nnt tak cukup org, main galah panjang jek la .. hehehe
galah panjang best gaks ... atas the rumput can slide bagai nak rak ... :op
kumis ... i doubt laa bert
*wegra meremang*
siapa tu?
blogger fren u yang baru ke betz?
RSVP - i tipu u pun u caya ke weg? tsk tsk tsk. hahahahaha.
GUBRA on-g!!
Jomslah tengok Gubra beramai-ramai :p
Sian budak tu u buli, Wegra :(
cik pms
cissss!!! nak buat cemana ... sapa2 tipu pun wa percaya ... 5 purnama later baru tau wa kene con
mari! mari!
ooh wegss,
me boss put me as one of the usherers for this weekend. DEFINITELY can catch u in action nanti.. (count dracula laugh)
*wegra goes panic attack*
psst! theme lilac kan???
wegra! i second ur opinion on dato' K's kumis tebal!
*whose montots u targeting for tonite's futsal?*
apa ni .. kat sini pun ada crita buntut .. kat sms pun ada crita buntut .. mlm ni main futsal ke main tembak buntut?
korang ni mmg la tau ..
any the way, selamat bergumbira yaa .. tonight saya ada bowling!! ahaks.
betz mmg dah tak sayang kita.
dia lagi sayang bola [bowling] dia.
oi APDET la weyh.
apa maknanya semua ni?
korang suka babble babble...
takda ending!
gubra bila?
yo tiena!
ada apa dengan kumis tebal? i donch understan-g, geli ok!
mutut "toot" ... kita lihat tonite!
yewww saja je. i donch friend yewww anymore. we make effort to include yewww every single time. yewww bagi alasan tak logic ... kat mana main bowling, let me skodeng if you're telling us the truth!
cik pms
updating time consuming
i donch know when can go gubra, i calling to book, notchet hep ...
magenta / maroon n gold laa..
*knows wegra will go into another panic attack right about now*
ok, tarik napas... we do the stupid gold 3 inch kasut... off white kebaya labuh... mana nak carik sarung + selendang maroon?????
auntie natrah your bosh tu particular wehhh... mati guwe!!! i have tomorrow + friday...
weg, dpat ngak sms gue?
lho kabarin mau nelepon, kapan sih?
lho juga persis kakek betik ya. ngalasan terus.
jam 9 ya, udah, jangan forget.
kenapa la korang suka seksa diri ku ini .. mmg la, acapkali segala perancangan you all cuba utk memasukkan i salah satu entiti.
tapi u ols terlupa, saya ni entiti pemboleh-ubah. value tak tetap, so, itu la lagik susah tuh ..
ala korang main jek la mlm nih reramai .. i main boling kat mines. sila datang yea wegra.
sorry la pms, kasih i cam air laut ada pasang surutnya jugak :P
cik pms
loh, lu kok bisa ngomong kaek gituan? guwe pingin banget punyain teman ngobrol dalam bahasa indonesia.
usah gusar ya. guwe sayang banget sama lu. guwe pingin banget ketemu sama kamu. i've got a nice surprise for you tonite!
jeng! jeng! jeng!
ye laa kan, sapa laa kitorang...
bertik,why u not come?
eh,i denga they all sume cakap u hensem mcm nk gile,kacak dan bergaye.
datang laaa..i nak tgk btol ke tak..:p
apa guna nyer hemsem kalu sombong like hell.
*wegra berlalu tak nampak bertique*
teina, mmg la la giler org yg kata i hensem tuh. i nih, green-monster-smeagol-lookalike-creature.
go figure!
eleh .. i mana berkumis ala2 datuk k u tuh ..
hang ni dok hingak sangat cita pasal datuk k ni kenapa? hang jeles ka siti nurhaliza nikah sama dia?
tolong jangan sebut perkataan kumis ... ini otak ada gambar ... sekali nampak itu perkataan, satu kali juga gambar itu kuar ... meremang ok, meremang ...
GUBRA not available in GSC One Utama
*alamaks! john legend on fly. break japs*
kumis .. kumis .. kumis ..
wegra reminds me to play on the opponent team next time ok? i oso want u to peluk-peluk me :P ngeh ngeh
shall we play bola basket on 22 apr?
excusez moi? i repeat i pilih orang when hugging ok, being on the opposite team is not enough. what makes you think i'll hug you? :op
GRO!!! you're my favourite huggable opponent!!!
basketball ... one to one tak aci laa bert ... you confirm leh intercept bola ... i've played one to one with a six footer before ... kene trash teruk ...
i kecik hati tau, u dont want to peluk me .. very sad ..
ala u nih, i kasi ler handicapped. 11 match point, i kasi u start the ball with 8-0. deal?
i still kecewa coz u dont want to hug me ..
suh cik pms laa peluk you
eh, petang ... petang i tak de ... esok sambung boraks ... kerja banyak macam gila ... i'll change my msn status to busy so that it won't go ting tong, ting tong laik nobody's business ... later ya!
best tak semalam?
who won?
sapa dapat terajang pms's ass?
hi betik!
eh! i forgot ... i wanted to terajang cik pms's arse ... i was busy chilling out, sweetly asking my team mates to protect me from the ball + hugging GRO!!!
*wegra run to do her work*
lovely lovely wegra...tak aci main peluk2..sampai org nak terajang bola pon tak sampai hati..
nak bagi red card pun macam confuse ... ada body contact + mengganggu opponent tapi tak main kasar ... :op
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