Dear Allya + Shazlan,
I just heard the news - you are off for a game of paintball with my sister this weekend. I thought you're my friends, supposedly close friends. How come you're going with her?
I tell Manda a.k.a. Bunda Akasyah + Nyanyak you go play ganas2 game before the wedding then you know.
Kenot! Kenot! Wait seminit for me!!!!
hurted bad,
Sporty Spice
I just heard the news - you are off for a game of paintball with my sister this weekend. I thought you're my friends, supposedly close friends. How come you're going with her?
I tell Manda a.k.a. Bunda Akasyah + Nyanyak you go play ganas2 game before the wedding then you know.
Kenot! Kenot! Wait seminit for me!!!!
hurted bad,
Sporty Spice
No no no... dont tell nyanyak yet... After we play then can tell... Thought of asking our friends... but realised many have matured and only a few left in the UK... so terpaksala main dgn budak budak muda... Dont worry, we'll have lotsa of fun! hahaha...Nanti i bawa balik satu biji paintball... u want?
just a paintball?
*me throwing a tantrum*
i wanna do paintballing!!!
alalalala weggy...
we can paintball here oso what...
malaysia got?
yes weggy.
let me share the plan.
tentatively, 1 july satruday we want to organise paintball session (pms sila organise - tq). so, we will have 2 teams.
1. theclickproject (geng jahat)
2. thetalibangroup (geng baik)
then, kita paintballing ler. how's that?
hi sporty spice!!
btw, isnt there one in n9 or sth?
cik pms
saja je, drama ... tak heran pun. :op
baby anisism
ofkos ada, you think we're still in ice age ka?
i jadi sniper boleh ... i move alone, senyap2 macam stealth
tapi sekarang i dah double in size + buta terlampau ... still fit ke nak main paintball nih?!
huh?! sapa sporty spice?!
weggiee!! u guling2 ke gelek2 throwing tantrum? :P
betik! i masuk geng yg leh tembak superdzu tu!
gelek gelek babe
you skodeng me from cyberjaya izzit? how you know ah?
oi pijah...
i also want to shoot you..hopefully masuk cat dalam lubang pusat you tu.
you join our team lah.
we need a sniper to tembak pms.
hi betik!
hi anisism!
hi tiena!
sure i can be on your team ... i'll be the taliban's mole in the click2 ... i sniper your butt, then pms butt, then back to you, then pms, then you, then pms ...
miah haha haha haha!!!!
(fuiyoh! evil siot!!!)
i just saw the bruises on my friend's leg post paintball.. erk... nak tarik diri lah! :P
kesian my pusat!
kena kat pusat sakit kay..
i should know...
kalau tak zuhri takla amik gambar lebam2 i hari tu.. i can show you my parut yang tak hilang2 ni..
come to think of it, kalau gi paintball,i chop duk dalam keta kebal.
only I am living in the ice age ok.
mana gambar?
asal u senyap je skang?
kalau the battle jadik...memang i tuju your pusat...
tak sabarnya!
lepas kena tembak...i'll make sure lubang pusat you besar..sampai bola golf pun boleh masuk!
hi wegra
tumpang bully pijah ok?
eh sorry for not replying your smss.
no credit.
tapi say hi to your padded friend.
ckp kat dia...
my pictures semua illusion je ok.
dzu dzu ..
asik tak de kredit jek u nih .. eh, i dont have ur no la .. can i have it? tenkiu dzu.
btw, wegra team i la dzu. u team jahat .. i team baik. heheh mana leh campur2 ..
lilit badan ngan your bantak busuk ... kompem no bruises ... dok pun-g your besday gift wrapper from me, hang gi recycle jadi pad for your tangan ... melantun-lantun pallets
cik pms
refer the above
baby anisism
merajuks ke ... alalalala ... meh sini
cik pms
workload sejak akhir2 ni ... tak leh handle punya banyak ... terasa macam superman!!! (memang sengaje di-man-kan) *kedengaran theme song berkumandang* <- phewwitt! bahasa mesia
apa bully pijoh ni??? kitorang je boleh bully yewww OK! waddup yo!
ms padded bra sure baca your comment, sat gi diye calling2 laa guwe to reply :op
i'm a mole in click2 for taliban ... chilling mate!
*terasa macam bahan rebutan laks*
hellooo wegra the sporty spice..:D
i nak men paintball.
bile bile bilekah???
dema kata 1st july ... eh gila! ... mana boleh ... 1st july guwe ada event ... :op
korang sila2 lah main ... sob! sob!
1 jul tuh tentative jek u.
err biler korang prefer/free?
pms, cepat la buat diskusi post at ur blog :P
u dlm our team okay...
or die!
buat apa u nak my number?
bukannya i boleh reply your smss punnnn
tapi kalau u nak jugak...if i'm not mistaken..wegra ada tulis besar2 kat toilet mana ntah.
apa2 hal weekend 1 july tableh ... taim lain a-ok
gila ke suh i masuk team click2 clan ... nanti korang gi sun bathing kat belakang ... i kene defend the fort sorang2
at least team taliban = team terrorist ... semua berani mati ... so, i ken sun bathing alone alone
phone no dzu ada atas air asia sick bag flight to bandung ... front seat ... tempat warga tua landing ... agak sesuai ...
ya ampun!
baru perasan ... july is a black period laa
1st weekend - event
2nd weekend - event
3rd weekend - jakarta
antara anyir dan jakarta
sungguh jelessss
dem yew.
wheres my gambar?
dontch pretend2 u cant read this msg.
gambar apa ye? mintak ampun, otak very the serabut, non work items sentiasa gets dropped off unintentionally ... sorry ...
warga tua?
ok...you're so not in our team!
O U T!
so cancel eh july ni...wait for you lah.
i seriously want to belasah u cukup2.
take cik pms in your team laa ... so that i ken tembak both of yew without having to belot to a team ... make sure you put bantal kekabu all around ok ...
miah ha ha ha ha ha!!!
so who's on my team? who so want to belasah cik pms + suparrrDzu?
abes biler kah ??
augustus? lama tuh .. hehe sempat utk keep fit and buat bantal kekabu .. for safety reason. hehehe
tul gaks!!! kalu august kalu, sempat wat training ... pas tu layout battle strategy ... visit the venue to familiarise ourselves ... fuiyoh!
best ni!
donch pray pray ha!
kalo june leh import my brother ... he's a sharp shooter as well ... he's fast ... tapi unlike me, badan diye belum double + mata diye belum buta
omakai! lamanye! nanti ler baru citer camni..
erk betik! alang2 kang.. supply ler bantal kekabu utk sumer.. :P
june laa wehhh!!!
august lambat sangat...
tapi august we can all be on the same team and battle with my sister + her friends ... then i ken tembak her puas2 ... miah ha ha ha!!!
i anytime ON jek.
nyeh heh hehh..
wegra,u nak sedekah 9nagos+mengejar matahari kat i eh?
the clickproject geng jahat?!
we will shoot the taliban down!!!!!!
u first betik. u goin down!
ifzan, sorry la .. aku tak bermaksud ok .. actually, aku terpaksa .. life threating beb, i have gun pointing on my head to write those comments.
but, what the heck.
we all berani mati punya! taliban kan ..
ya alah ya alah taliban!
ok people, ogos terlalu lewat. 10/17 juni. how's that??
weggy, takyah strategy. kita guna kuomintang stail. kill kill die die!
yew can pass the VCDs to suparrrDzu, then yew can tatap her face as well
umaakkk aiii!!! chilling yo!
so now we've established the teams
Click2 Clan
General: SuparrrDzu
Comando(s): Ifzam
Team Taliban
General: Bertique
Comando(s): recruiting
Wegra laks = Sydney Bristow a.k.a. freelance sniper a.k.a. President of the United States a.k.a. sun bathing mak cik a.k.a. Lord of War
my mission is to tembak motot cik pms + suparrrDzu no matter which team they're in
muah hahaha!!!! <- evil terlampau
i only have 17 june ... eh my brother dah ada ... ye! ye! if he's not covering weddings or events, i get him to cover my ass, while i tembak the two chickas
yew dig that, shorties?
we're peoples yo!
team taliban
general = wegra.
weggy, pls design bendera for our team .. ala navy seal + taliban = huru hara. tenkiu.
so ppl 17 leh kers?
kesian pms tunggu konformasi :P
eh? bertique
kalo wegra general
nama team kene tukau:
poetic wreck
moto team kene tukau:
make peace not war
game strategy:
enter the war zone with your sweetest smile + bear hug your most dangerous opponent sampai diorang tak sampai hati nak tembak yew + ajak click2 clan berkelah kat fort + let the two flags fly together gether side by side
maka, if i'm general, there's no paintballing!
eh wegra...
sapa ifzam?
owh.. jadi ek? abis la lebam2 bdn ku yg lebar ni..
weggie! i want to join you sunbathing.. let the rest do the shooting and all..
oh. lagi satu. to avoid everyone getting pekak due to me shreaking kena bearhug ngan weggie.. i think i better join weggie's team. thank you
dzu, ifzam ialah ifzan + syamly. wegra masih tak tau nak suh sapa jadi general, lagipun depa berdua tim jahat. so korang decide ler :P
apa daa .. baik g berkelah, main pondok2 ka .. kalau dah gitu gamaknya tektik paintball. ekceli, i takut dah skang .. badan i besar .. dulu main i asik jadi mangsa dera manusia yg tak berperikemanusiaan.
after few rounds of paintball last time, i realised - we all ni semuanya jahat. and we love people to suffer.
ngeh ngeh ngeh
typo ok! typo
hi ifzan
tapi yew masuk team mana pun kompem i bear hug yew, i laik to bear hug yew! now how?
ape plak jahat, notty je ...
i pun trauma ... i'm not as fast + as small as i used to be ... perfect eye sight pun dah gone
new game strategy, just in case ade opponents berhati batu: build a see thru plastic armour ... kompem pallets tak kene baju, maka i stay alive ... ah ha ha ha ... staying alive ... staying alive
oh nooooooooo!!!!!!
p/s: i knowla i "sehat".. geli weyh!!
i laik to bear hug yew, not bekos i think yew 'sihat' but bekos yew geli2 + yew go eiiiiiikkkkkkkkkk! every single time
eh why u not like bear hug me? i'm not that hugable is it?
ooo i know .. u cannot hug me coz i'm too huge.
*lari atas treadmill utk kuruskan badan
sowy ifzan
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