huddle up your psycho friends

thanks allya for making me crave for ben + jerry's
thanks ifzan for telling me that i can find ben + jerry's here
thanks 7eleven for retailing ben + jerry's
thanks cik pms for being punctual + your perasan lawa poses
thanks for pulling that make believe glooves off your make believe tangan pelsu + singing the old jajan jinggles
thanks cik pijoh for that lip lap lip lap slepar + coin purse which is too small for my mobile + menggeletar when i want to bear hug you
thanks bertique for paying for the ben + jerry's + for tolerating my stress related split personality
thanks wegra for flirting with the 7e boys for 6 cute blue plastic spoons
thanks 7e boys for the 6 cute blue plastic spoons
thanks mamak bistro for tolerating our boisterousness
(narcissm comment)
ya allah hensem nya i!!!
cute sgt ok.
ada harapan mng cleo bachelor of the year nih.
thanks wegra for pretending to know the japanese series i was imitating and thanks for actually remembering which series it was (this morning).
thanks to all for the fun last nite.
hey now worries la weggy. kecik punya hal, well, i like ur last night personality better .. gila-gila sket. cam pms. tapi pms mmg gila :D.
it was damn good! masa i drive balik, i rasa cam, menda yg terbuku kat hati .. all the stressed, all the hatred ;) and all the feeling of burning the whole management down and inhale their ashes tiba-tiba kurang sket.
but everything back to normal the moment i masuk opis pagi nih. aarrggghh!!
tenkiu tiena for the lawak tangan (lawak of the day)
tenkiu pijah for the thought (selipar lip lap)
tenkiu pms (for being urself, walaupun tgh tak sihat)
tenkiu wegra (for the lawak, and gelak .. although u tgh tension)
tina's lawak of the night:
tina: eh i tau la .. i pun ngk mearo attack ok.
pms: a'ah .. ada spike-spike tuh ..
tina: u ols, ingat i tak tau ke. u ingat tak ada dialog dia yg (tina berlakon - tunjuk dua-dua tgn, sambil mulut kengkunun mencabut sarung tgn) seraya berkata "kau masih ingat dgn tangan ini"
the gang: gelak pecah perut .. hahaha
oo ada lagi ... tina jugak.
pms: susah la eskrem nih keras tau .. u bli 2 ngapa, tak abes nnt.
bert: tak pe la mkn jek ..
tina: dulu kecik2 i suka makan eskrem yg dah cair ..slalu i campurkan dua jenis eskrem pastu minum. cam nestul gitu.
pms: err i tak.
bert: i pun tak.
the gang: gelak pecah perut.
ok la tak lawak sgt la .. u need to be there to feel it .. u gotta feel it man.
ha ha ha..
jadik lauk eh i?
xpe la..i sedekah utk hiburan kawan2 yg stwess.:p
cisss kao bertik!:p~
eh bertik,
pembetulan lah.
i kate i suke kacau2 eskrim tu sampai cair,pastu mkn mcm nestum la.
oiy! kot ye suka beno selipar lip lap lip lap tu.. tanggalkan ler sizenye tu! :P
guess what?
i nya credit habih again.
eh bila nak bawak i makan icecream lak?
NO thanks to weggy to put up the one picture i told you not to. ngok ngek!
thanks to betik yang sponsor event malam tadi. alhamdulillah.. lepas tu brucie ajak supper pun i dengan tenangnya decline. air pun tak order kay.. kenyang sangatttt..
tapi tak sekenyang gelak ketawa yang diprovide oleh appointed clown, tiena. so thanks budak kecik!
and pijah, selipar tu perfect untuk kaki i yang cantik dan juga perfect ini. sekarang dia tambah cantik dan lip lap lip lap.
weggy, email ALL thepics you took last nite to please.i want to keep la.such an unforgetable night it was.
ehh i oso wan ek..:)
thank you everyone for not inviting me.
*lapuk la alasan nih*
thanks weg for going to belanja me ben + jerry's very very soon!
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