she's just got home from new york for her summer, with a tee from urban outfitters for meself, y'all! donch jeles dzu! got a spesel message on the tee summore for missy suparrrdzu...

'okii oppai', not so much
and a purse ... why is everyone getting me purses lately huh? any subliminal message? my 13 year old boyish black torn + tattered fabric 'wallet' not cool enough? or is it a prayer? ... amin ...
p.s. ita a.k.a bibots, sila jeles ... emylia, merci beaucoup!
untuk perhatian bibots damdumdim (we know you jeles)

emi balik
my brother emi has been away for 30 months, i went to the airport on sunday to pick him up, mama tagged along. i told him i'll have my car parked between "Pintu 5&6" and "Pintu 7" signage. when we reached at the designated area, there were trolleys falling off the pavement onto the road.
mama : diorang ni tak reti tolong betulkan the trolleys ke? lalu lalang macam tak nampak je.
wegra : welcome to malaysia, ma. you want me to teach them how to do it?
mama : pegi la.
*wegra left the drivers seat to push the trolleys off the road + tidily group them*
wegra : ada orang tengok tak?
mama : tak de
wegra : demmit!
emi came + after we've unloaded his stuff, he went to push the trolley into the assigned area. mama + meself went giggling, "orang puteh".
now, meet emi's controversial hair-do. lek laa pak, it's just a hair-do, ada apa dengan rambut?
apart from my sister, emi is the other person i don't mind getting me bhajus bhajus. he's got good taste. i told him i've gone up to a size 12, he saw my blog pictures + assumed that i was exaggerating + got me a size 10 top. ayoh! bye bye cute top. i like you oredi but we don't fit.
kenapa sumer orang asyik nak kene jeles?
saja, ske. hang kat penang ka?
Bestnye.. maryam, if you dun want the purse, I would love to have it.. or you can give me the black clutch that u stole from me...hahaha
so, drama dah abis ke?
oohh.. maryam.. the t-shirt is PINK.. suits u..
he he.
belum ah, but i'm putting it on the shelve to think about later ... i really am sorry to bail on you guys like that
erm ... shocking pink OK! :op
cik pms
amender? apasal call masa wa tido semalam?
byk nyer dpt hadiah.
so this entry ala2 iklan la ek? hehe .. previous 1/2 suma cam drama/konflik .. ;)
nak wat cemana ... tetiba orang semua nak generous ... ma kasih, y'all!
colourful life i have, full of contradictions laks tu ... leh wat a few samarinda ... :op
waaa!! byk nye hadiah!!!
ehemm... weggie.. i can fit size 10! macam seswai kan?
hey, we all do face the same situation like u do la .. cuba the degrees adalah berlainan .. that's what make life fun kan? heheh
hmm .. biler nak sambung samarinda nih? dah ada tajuk?
*eagerly waiting ...
harks! but it's too cute to give away ... :op
di bi du bi du du bi du dam dam
memang laaa ... belakang2 kitorang gelak je, tapi bila berdepan kene wat muka serious ... :op
to write ... i donch have the luxury of time ...
bye bye top...does it miss you, being size 10 and you 12?
...not so much...
i'm an 8, but my boobs can fit into a size 10 top. so i'm happy to have them.
sila jeles.
tak jeles pun
but if you dontch want the tee and purse..
i want.
anisism....big boobs!
sini club house for big boobies ka?
apasal semua ada comprehension problem ni? ke i write poorly? :op
the pink tee fits me like a glove ;o)
yang problem the cute cotton tube top my brother beli ... he thinks his sister is still cute miut ... not anymore OK!
hi emi!
mana boleh bagi diorang kan! emi beli untuk ya! :op
tak jeles langsung. kalo you nak sikit pun i boleh bagi, alang2 biar fit size 12. ;o)
demmit! sini club utk big boobies ke?
damn! kena mkn ayam byk2 cammnih! :P
gedik laa cikpijoh
ohhhh!!! you want me to say it out loud ...
cikpijoh chang no oppai okii desu yo!!!!
waddup yo!
ni apa nih saiz 8 la .. 10 la 12 la ..
i saiz 34 ok.
sapa nak baju i?
oiy weggie!! kejadahnye! i no speaking jappanese!
where got gediks? normal whaaaaattt!!!
*back to mkn ayam*
(on the way balik kena singgah KFC ni!)
heh. i said "i'm happy to have them" tuh, bukan means i'm happy to have my boobs. well of course i'm happy with my boobs lah, but i meant to say i'm happy to have them tops from NY.
what's with the boobs story la!
wei whats with the gambar pintu pecah?
mana gamba orang putehnye hairdo?
hi maryam
nak ikoot gi KFC!!!!
nak itot!!! nak itot!!!
rasa riang, rasa hebat di mcdonalds
eh ... silap jinggle
dzu started the boobs business ... che akak medium ... shooh! shooh!
i have no problem with NY gifts ... my brother's je yang apasal kechik sangat ... kene carik minimiser ah!
the last 3 pictures i wanted to upload to this post tableh upload ... dah max out kot ... so rambut ong puteh got dropped out
p.s. ifzan
the gambar is just a gambar my sister requested
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