precisely, we went back to visit college.
at the college co-op, me being the old school me, i had to get them ...

when there's pen + paper, you'd be able to guess what happened next ...

elly + myself couldn't resist dropping by the canteen for breakfast (actually, our instinct told us that zizie, figette, ghose + nailah would be eating in the dining hall. so, there may not be enough for us. teehehehe!) ...

there was lunch served ... zizie + myself dashed for the trays, when the old girls were given proper plates. did you know that we used to eat daging kerbau because they were the cheapest meat? that was news to me + no wonder. :op

we visited 5N + guess what, i can't remember where i sat in class.

i can remember us taking rugby positions in class during one of the tests. i can remember the sampan kertas competition during one heavy downpour. i can remember us playing frisbee during prep petang. i can remember hiding outside the backdoor, escaping a class + doodling. i can remember a group of us hiding in the dark + jumping to surprise ana, the first to come in + her screaming + switching off the lights to join us jump on the next person.
i can remember all that but not where i sat in class. no wonder i'm not one of them doctors + lawyers on the list. :op
we were the batch with "-" winning the anugerah pelajar mithali. as zizie put it, we were not jahat but just nakal but i guess that was not acceptable.

we were the batch, which had fared best at non academic activities, with the basketball team as the first all malay team to beat an all chinese team (their pictures splashed most chinese titles but no malay or english newspaper picked the news). our school choir got banned then because the ustazahs were worried that the singing sounded like a 'church'. :op

oh! 3T's unfinished finish mural is still where we painted it, though red house's much nicer mural had been replaced. demmit!

the school did something to us; we all turned human. ;o)

anyways, an acoustic medley by corinne bailey rae + john legend + john mayer
have a brilliant weekend peeps!
fun nye!maybe me n my skool fwens shud do dat oso sometime soon.:p
how come RMC don't have co-op so we could purchase the metal badge...
nasib baik VI ada...but that also, in VI, metal badge is only for the exclusive few!
wegz, been waiting for the photos..hehe
where's the dog barking story? ;)
sampan kertas comp. hehehehe i dont remember that..
oh, i am pretty sure dydd would wanna see her masterpiece too hehe
you should ... can i come along?
you want tkc metal badge? ... i can supply them to you
dog barking story?
errr ... if i story ... pecah rahsia + people would think i gila
nanti i 'update' this post
thanx for reminiscing the past! you certainly made my day!!! cutelaa the little junior g78s...heheh..
wahhhh... best nyehh... i esp. love the shot on the pelajar mithali board...
just discovered that a colleague is actually our junior (1996-2000) and while reminiscing years spent there, she also mentioned on that omission in our year.. kehkeh...
i beg to differ... we are all "pelajar mithali".. which was why they did not award to just one student ... eheks
I agree with Ly-d!! hehe
kan?! adorable aren't they + they call me "kakak" ...
(bawa bertenang ibu2 sekalian ... it's not my fault you guys got preggy, don't drag me into your problem)
ly-d + ip
like that positive thinking as well
us all, pelajar mithali ... woohoo!!!
i certainly like!
ppl would make a lot of assumption just looking at the pelajar mithali board.
but we all knew better eh??
i think it's wayyyyy cool man!!! hahaha.
did u manage to find the desk which u carved yr name into it?
jealous jealous... wish i was there! was so shocked to hear about the daging kerbau - i feel so cheated!!
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