Since everyone is blogging about their girlfriends and boyfriends...
Meet my toyboy, Balakrishnan A/L Applanaidu, who I fondly call Bala. His Muslim name is Bob, but I didn’t sunat him because I’m not that skilled a photographer, it’ll mean harder work to produce good pictures if he gets sunated.
Bala has been loyal to me since I started work. He requires special 120 medium format film, which I had to buy from a Kodak sales and marketing guy. The stupid sales and marketing guy is moving to another company next month, which means I have to tackle another sales and marketing guy so that I’ll get my usual supply at supplier’s price. Ish!
Bala is a simple plastic camera; nothing like Cekya’s Lumix, Ah Beng’s Nikon or Enche Zul’s Leica and even the cameras Enche Zuhri is contemplating buying. Wegra paid about 45 quid for Bala. Bala is also very the stubborn, ala ala degil terlampau gituh! I feed him a composition with detailed specs, he’ll produce something else. His end results always baffled me. Oh, but then maybe it me; I'm the crappy photographer here. Nonetheless, people compliment our team effort as creative. Even the light leaks people say creative. I always shy2 cat and answered that it was Bala, he’s got that creative soul. But after saying that people would look at me one kind, probably thinking I’m a looney case. So now I take the compliments and stash them under my bed. Sorry, Bala!
Here are sample pictures by Bala’s siblings owned by other Holga enthusiasts. *Wegra doesn’t have the time to scan our photos and upload here*

p.s. visit the Mancunian lomographers' site: http://www.lomographymanchester.co.uk
The Embassy of the Republic of Cuba in collaboration with National Art Gallery request the pleasure of your company
to the screening of Cuban films
in conjunction with the visit of Mr. Sergio Corrieri Hernandez, renowned Cuban movie director and actor
National Art Gallery
No. 2, Jalan Temerloh,Off Jalan Tun Razak
53200 Kuala Lumpur
Cuban Films Schedule: ( Wednesday, 25th January )
Un Hombre de Exito (A Successful Man) @ 4.00 p.m.
Miel Para Oshun (Honey for Oshun) @ 6.00 p.m
La Ultima Cena (Last Supper) @ 8.00 p.m.
All screenings are free and with English subtitles.
Ting! Tong! Cekya mau ikoot?! Their movies are very the class...
wahh i thot who la this toyboy of che yam ni..
beautiful photos dear..really!!
when is arina gonna be your model pulak? ;)
not my photos laa darling, but Bala's images are close.
can not see pics.. company firewall blocks files from blogger.com :P
ehh.. wegra.. u forgot another topic ppl blog about. their babies (like me and lynor) imposing our kids on our audience (if i hv any that is)
*ting! tong! you've just received a message from ly-d*
what baby?! which baby do you want me to impose onto the audience?! do i have any?! my parents?! the kittens?! baby anisism?! :op
lor, sume citer pasal camera ni, aku pun nak citer gak la pasal camera aku.. hahaha..
*ting! tong! you've just received a message from PiNAT*
che pinat
mana de blog pasal camera...
tu my toyboy, dear ... toyboy ... :op
che yam
harhar...me got confused lak with ur post.. sowee..
then i cant wait for photos from Bala.. ;)
hehe betul tu.
bala + myself, shy2 cat oledi
*wegra + bala hiding under the table blushing*
ayo shy2 cat pulak
we forgot to add beets. Despite her 'stress reliever' post la kan of coz.. hehe
btw, where is the 'stress reliever' now beets? ;)
still with moi :(
maybe it's mine to keep.. mana laa tau, gold anniversary nanti ada use :P
yey! going out for lunch with che weed @ pyramid. helping ma'am hunt for 21-year old b'day gift. why pick me, eh? i innocent?!
wei, sebelum aku lupa.. just now lunch hour aku balik somban.. and u know what happen to your school? hutan tepi tu dah kena tebas.. so dari tepi jalan leh tengok sekolah ngko terang benderang bersama dengan kubur gurkha sekali.. huhuhu..
ok jom kita gi screening nih jom..
abish laa sekolah guwe
if i read your mind right, nope
will do, most definitely
lets, lets, i'm going with izan
mmg mau ikot but not sure i can make it....have fun and tell us all about it, ok darlin'?
sigh! fine ... siapa lah kita ... i'm going for the 8 pm show.
baby anisism
you in town, darling?
enche zuhri
go where?
movies i watch are real heavy, you sure you are prepared for it. takoot you buat harmony je dalam hall. zzzZZZzzzZZzzzzZZZzzzZZZzz
enche zuhri
sorry, sir. i don't do this cucuk2 business. but fret not, i'll get the bai to lepuk your kepala with a chair, if you are being too noisy with the harmony.
enche zuhri
boleh blah!
well, ladies and gentlemen
the standard response from enche zuhri, rather predictable...
as you all can see; sensitive, emotional and merepek2.
semua org cite abot their camela..i pun hv to get one too
where got camera? his name is Bala a.k.a. Bob
i think aarr...an electronic vibrator wud be a better replacement for your toyboy camela
wong ah beng
you give me electronic vibrator, i don't know how to use, it'll be a waste of money. Bala rocks!
enche zuhri
sepupu sepapat Bala ada dijual di One Utama. Erks! Apa ntah nama kedai interior design dekat bridge yang connects the old wing with the new wing.
enche zuhri
that's another baffling question. it could be the first floor. but let me describe the shop. it has white washed wall, the products they sell are contemporary interior items. hmmm ... their shop logo is white ... hmmm ...
*wegra garu kepala and check if ada dandruff falling off*
oh! enche zuhri
if you are moving from the new wing to the old wing ... the shop is on your left
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