i've got my first ever MC letter from the doctor, which had instructed me to stay in for one long week. during the first day, which was yesterday, i went dead bored. i was so bored, i played sinead o'connor's "nothing compares to you" on piano. i even read the red hard cover "malaysian constitution" text and saw "greese".
lucky i've cacat + gila peeps as friends. i want to thank y'all for kidnapping me from home + laughing with me at each other last night, when i was at the peak of my boredom.
to boy bands eh? rock bands, if you wanna jam a cover ... please do this song! rhcp punya original version pun boleh.
under the bridge - all saints
lets think of other activities i can engage myself in for the remaining days of my one week.
lucky i've cacat + gila peeps as friends. i want to thank y'all for kidnapping me from home + laughing with me at each other last night, when i was at the peak of my boredom.
to boy bands eh? rock bands, if you wanna jam a cover ... please do this song! rhcp punya original version pun boleh.
under the bridge - all saints
lets think of other activities i can engage myself in for the remaining days of my one week.
one week mc? nice. get well soon girl.
sudahkah anda mendapatkan kad O.K.U anda?
bwahahahh :p
get well soon,doll.dah sakit tu dok diam2 kat umh,nnt lambat heal.
thanks very much. i want to get well ASAP, man, i'm bored!
ma kasheh ya buk!
oits! if you wanna park at the disabled parking space, you know who to call. teehehehehe!
rindunya all saints!
eh get well soon budak gila!
what the sepening to u bebeh? get well soon.
awat tempang?
u main bola guna bola boling ka?
what happen? what happen?
Gosh! What happened? Futsal? Take care.
Posted Mcoba annual dinner.
hey there cats! (as in cacats, not kusing)
dah pandai pakai your tongkat ali?
ngeh ngeh ngeh.
now got OKU card u very berlagak eh. >(
psst! don't tell my mom i drove to the office + climb the stairs without my crutches. :op
they are back laa ... sapa gi uk, wa nak kirim their new album!
i pulled a stunt ... :op
i told you right i've got a weak left ankle ... berapa kali dah twisted ... but this time the worst injury sustained. hehe.
wan bi
i tot i was wearing superman's cloak, apparently not. :op
cik pms
ken run pakai tongkat oredi ok!
bawak bertenang ... next week i'll be back in action.
later peeps!
nak album baru all saints ka?kat msia tak kan takde kut?
tak de ... not yet!
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