NOFX is a punk band from San Francisco, California, United States, formed in 1983 in Los Angeles.
The original lineup included singer/bassist Fat Mike (Mike Burkett), drummer Erik Sandin, and guitarist Eric Melvin. Since 1991 (and after several line-up changes) El Hefe (real name Aaron Abeyta) has played second guitar and trumpet. The band's sound is diverse, utilising elements of punk, hardcore punk, ska, and other music genres. Their lyrics generally satirise issues such as politics, society, various subcultures, racism, the music industry, and religion.
NOFX has released 10 studio full lengths, 10 EPs, and many 7" singles. The group has sold over 6 million records worldwide, and is one of the most successful independent bands of all time.
if you're into punk rock, you should not miss the gig
if you're an arden fan of the simpsons, you should not miss the gig
if you 'love' president bush (like i do), you should not miss the gig
if you're working around klcc, instead of battling the traffic, do make your way to ruums after work this thursday
tickets are priced at RM 75 + are available at the door. the door opens from 5:30 pm. if you need further details, call zeekaa at her mobile 019.600.7813 or e-mail her at zeekaa@gmail.com
hope to see you thurday evening!
i leave you with 'franco un-american'
and snippets from 'the simpsons' featuring no fx
p.s. i donch lobe yew anymore
astaghfirullah al azim ... before peeps accidentally stumble upon my goofy pictures ... let me own up to them ... of us, on widie's blog ...

does anyone remember how does our kawad polis gila go?
i recommend all of us meet up at the 1st may 2007 do, lets keluarkan all the going to 12 years suppressed perangai bebudak. eleh! i know you want to ... don't be shy! :op
*sigh* signs of old - the name of current hit rock band sounds to me like a radio station
probably the name does sound like one
all i have to do to identify u in those pics is to look out for the most noticeable nipples,eh i mean dimples.(lawak ct nurhaliza) :p
you know i think in images ... now i have 2 pictures in my head fighting for my attention
thanks babe.
penat giler nih. duk lari cam lipas kudung. remind me not to do this i'm-your-friendly-mobile-ticketing-gal gig no more.
see you in hartamas ! *refer email.
alahai...not u too!
next up ni mesti ly-d pulak!
cik pms
ntah you nih ... kanYe organisers pun tak buat cam tu ... len kali have area 'agents' ... i jaga subang jaya ... tiena jaga USJ ... you jaga shah alam
watch this space ... more coming your way
wegs! i pun ada baju kurung kaler biru camtu long taimmm agoo :p
so was yr shoe the shiniest of them all?
chuuUUUuuUUuun apa batik design back then ... we've got good taste arr laik that since looOOoooOOoooOOooOOooOOoong taim ago ... hehe! (nak cakap apa lagi, dah sendiri pilih kain)
gravt kills
thanks for reminding me ... not only the shoes need polishing ... the buttons, the crest, the belt buckle ... all done under watchful eyes of miss vicky
why la?? whyyyyy??
dah everyone busy reminiscing ... i had no choice but to jump onto the boat
there's more coming ...
I see you bebeh... shakin' that ass X2
I have to pass on NOFX. Didn't hear them back then. I'll give the recomended songs a listen soon as I've downloaded them.
Meanwhile, kita minum dulu.
the last time i saw you, you were *toot* *toot* *toot* *toooOOOoooOOoooOOoot*
hang on ... nak gi minum air jenis apa ni?
weh gile cun kadet polis pakai skirt yum yummmm
patut laa your era cadets kene pakai suar ... ade ke yum yummmm?!
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