meet my new digital camera: olympus sp-700
my mom and brother insisted that i turun makan with them. after much persuasion, i went.
tergezut sehhh!!!
my 23 year old brother holds a boring job; supir kenderaan awam. maka his style has always been conservative. between us four, he's the most serious and he behaves like he's the eldest but today, his hair coloured already and got peak some more!!!
oh and that's my mom in the background, she's like that. if she sees a camera, she'll pose.
So hows the cam? Don't worry, if you're not satisfied with it, you can sell it to me, half the price of course gagaga =D
waaaa! got new camera oledi eh! so.. tunggu ape lagik! amik gambar henbeg n henpon cun u tue!! jgn wat2 tak reti plak ek!
tak cite pun tadik beli camera???
you jeles kan everytime outing you takleh amik gambaq curik lubang hidung superdzu kan sebenarnya kan?
tahniah. dah lama i tunggu you hilang kesabaran macam ni.
next outing kita amik gambar dalam kain dzumutant.
mental muz
amboi! sell to you half price??? ada krazy ka???
henbeg + henpon??? busy laa, busy!
*wegra buat2 busy*
cik pms
shhhh! jangan bising2, nanti tak pasal next outing si suparrrdzu lupa pakai skirt...
sedari nanti amik gambo si dzu tuh bebyk ok, jgn lupa carik tanda aras ketinggian and tangkap gambo dia tgh berdiri kat situ.
later kita leh exploits the pic by sending it to the modelling company. so that they can post it up dlm their "HIT list" - with tiny print stating "kalau jumpa wanita ini sila pukul utk kami >:)"
bert! oits!
hang ni seghope dengan cik pms. mende2 tu kene discuss offline, kan-g si suparrrdzu datang pakai a pair of charles ghost stools baru tahu! hang pun tenggelam!!!
you guys are bladi hellnya manusia.
dengki tahap syaitan aminurrashid nya.
eh for your pengetahuan umum,
i tak kesah lah kalau korang nak amik gambar lubang hidung ka..
dalam skirt ka..
coz a supermodel memang tak segan silu.
mana2 pun boleh posing maut...okay...
wegra lalinggggg...
amiklah gambar cepat2.
your camera 6megapixels eh??
very the bagus tu.
ok peace out.
nak wat cemana you like fren fren with kaki bully...
weekend wa do a take picture round, today must write and write and write!
wohoo! 6Mpxl! jerawat cinonet pun ken c ok!
wow best lah dah ada camera. jadik camwhore lah awak nanti macam superdzu dan cik pms dan cik pijah.
eit! i tried oredi, the dot dot on the face all can see one. erk! next time, take picture must wear vail!
camwhore tu macam cikpms and cikpijah lah.
camslut is another label lak.
pun jatuh ke tangan dua2 monyet tu.
errr ... can i do camangel
ngeh ngeh ngeh *bertique style*
dzu, jangan la emo sgt. kita berseloroh aja (gaya pelakon spektra tv1 yg ala2 macho dan kontrol suara memujuk kengkunun girlfriend dia dari merajuk kerna terlupa nak letak gula dalam air kopi yg dia pesan)
hambik ko. explanation on the scene lebih pjg dari skrip. hahaha
ok ok, i know one. with 6 mp rite. yg cantik cam dzu sure bertambah cantik, yg rendah cam dzu akan tinggi, dan tiang lampu jugak akan nmpk sgt kiut.
so biler kita nak photorgy beramai-ramai.
oh b4 korang bising2, sila g baca word history kat sini: http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=orgy
betik masam,
takda maaf bagimu.
*lari ke arah pokok kelapa yang tiba2 je muncul*
*panjat pokok kelapa*
*capai buah kelapa*
*baling ke arah kepala betik*
*gelak gergasi..sambil guling2 atas tanah*
*betulkan skirt yang dah terkedut*
*jalan dgn steadynya ke arah kereta*
*drive ke one utama*
camwhore, camslut.. byknye pangkat! overwhelming!! kam kam superDzu, i let u choose take one of the pangkats.
eh! baru prasan! u dah celik IT ek? ur sidebar dah back to normal!
i didn't do anything, tetiba ia pulih semula. but if want to puji i celik IT, i take lah...
i'm bekkkk
miss me? good girl..
back from where??? i donch perasan oso you went. good lah if you're back.
*wegra goes back to her work*
enche zuhri
i let one year passed by without capturing anything
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