last week i shared this text conversation with enche zuhri about feeding others with a kesah dongeng about yourself. i strongly believe you should share the truth, why create another pesona? why try to be a person you're not? he said people can tell him whatever, he doesn't care as long as they don't hurt him.
he said he even tak hairan if a person mengaku they are PM's anak sedara. so, that day, i mengaku PM's anak sedara, he said he was fine with it. the next day, i mengaku cucu sultan perak, he replied "baik, tuanku". the day after prince william's girlfriend, he bid "good night, future queen of england".
yesterday, i mengaku ex-girlfriend azlan abu hassan. he actually believed me, i had a good time rolling on the floor laughing. and this morning i told him i'm farish a noor's tealady, he exclaimed, "what is he doing there?!" oh ya! i was at the doctor again this morning.
so, here's a picture of me with my former lover
(enche zuhri ada percaya?!?! you see my point now? i tired oredi trying to prove a point.)
he said he even tak hairan if a person mengaku they are PM's anak sedara. so, that day, i mengaku PM's anak sedara, he said he was fine with it. the next day, i mengaku cucu sultan perak, he replied "baik, tuanku". the day after prince william's girlfriend, he bid "good night, future queen of england".
yesterday, i mengaku ex-girlfriend azlan abu hassan. he actually believed me, i had a good time rolling on the floor laughing. and this morning i told him i'm farish a noor's tealady, he exclaimed, "what is he doing there?!" oh ya! i was at the doctor again this morning.
so, here's a picture of me with my former lover

aunty wegra,
so tell me.. after reading ur kesah dongeng, wht's normal?
i oso confused, what is normal. :op
i'm not related the way i described with every single person in this post. i berangan to be related the way i described with peeps listed in this post.
i say that anyone who listens to dr alban is anything but normal. but that's just me.
wegra's the next american top model la..
how can you forget that?
i know you humble kan??
you dowan publisiti murahan kan?
nevermind, i understand..
meaning, they are believable?! (apa kechoh kat sini wa listen to dr alban?! huwaaa!!!)
cik puan muda stress
plus size model ka?!
enche zuhri
eh? who are you to spank me?! :op
enche zuhri
i piat your telinga, then you know.
hey wegra...i kenal your former lover tu..
delu dia pinjamkan basikal dia kat jiran bapak i nya sadara yang datang dari johor tak jauh dari rumah nenek exboyfren i.
wow...what a small world.
kelam kabut spelling saya.
sorry babe...nak cepat tadi.
peace out!
believable gak semua itu cik weghra..
mcm adik2 aku percaya bila bapak aku kata dia ade lah tengku mahkota wilayah .. siap tunjuk istana hinggap kat shah alam as his..
ternganga my poor brothers kena kelentong ngan bapak sniri
wow!!! small world ya?!?!
when we were kids, my former lover and i used to go kem kanak2 MAS together gether. one year we were on the same team and on our team were all the supernerds, including syed ahmad, the teh tarik crew guy. other group got atheletes, we no got. but we got creative minds. we won tarik tali, rope course, orienteering and bonfire show competitions. then when we were leaving for home my former lover set next to me and sang "heal the world, make it a better place, for you and for me and the entire human race", my heart bergolek2 fell in lobe.
sekian, terima kasih.
go wegra..hehe
but still people want to believe what they want to believe and what they want to hear. So how??
were you not the miss world 1814?
leh kelentong anak sendiri ek? good idea, i'll jot that as one of my parenting to do.
asalkan they bring happiness
baby anisism
yup! was the next american top model in my previous life as well. (cik puan muda stress! now i'm given the unwanted attention.)
dulu masa muda remaja ada buat rambut macam tu. :op
enche zuhri
now face bulat laa sir, it'll bring unwanted attention to the roundness...
i typo error yerk yesterday
it was "azlan" not "adnan" ... mati guwe nanti mummy aiman silambam guwe ... guwe! (akak, saya tak de affair ngan hubby akak! your brother in law maybe *berangan*)
good morning cik puan muda stress
pinat is here.. hahahaha..
aku nak ngaku gak, aku sedara ngan raja nazrin.. hahahaha.. mmm, raja nazrin ke mohd nazrin? :P
blog hopping here..
saya adik raja azri. u got to c me 1st to believe me.hehe..
terrer terrer yerk bloggers kita nih ... hehehe!
all very well connected!!!
enche zuhri
apa kata google nama2 itu...
zuhri adalah seorang yg bz body..
pinky angel
wegra amat setuju with your statement. don't ever let him have your name, he will google you!!!
i've google his name lama dulu..
kantoi dah lama dah zuhri ni..
eh wegra
terimakasih dgn reply anda yang begitu panjang itu.
terkelu lidah saya membacanya.
was in the writing mood ... ;o)
baby anisism
i've got your RM 50, whenever you are home do buzz me for it.
hehehehe very funny :P
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