'cos today i found my friends
they're in my head
i'm so ugly
but that's ok
'cos so are you
(ok, let's jump the lyrics)
Yeah yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah!
(now, let's do the chorus)
I like you - I'm not gonna crack
I miss you - I'm not gonna crack
I love you - I'm not gonna crack
I killed you - I'm not gonna crack
thanks for buzzing allya! you made my day! best nyer, they are all in town! :op

i'm like, first.
lagu apa ni? cheq tak paham.
bukan sebab cheq bodo kay.
shadap back at cha dzu.
hi abizan! (ha ha for obvious reasons)
hi pijoh! (for the not so obvious ones)
morning weeegggg!!!!
yawn. ok, i'm going to sleep now.
hi pijoh!
cik pms
me taking five. :op
you're too young to remember the song, perhaps?
lithium by nirvana
hi wegra!
hi everyone!!
eh! i nochet wake up. kenot comment lagik!
ni lagu dari boyband mana nih?
hi dzurina!
hi rafeeza!
assalamualaikum semua!
eh wegss
your friend sorang tu muka like my friend nya sister lah.
her name is apa ntah....we call her zaza.
the one yg pakai scarf.
muka je lah sama.
morning wegra!
hi cik pijoh!
dah bangun dah? ke membuta macam si pms?
hi bertique!
best bebeno boy band nih ... hang jangan jeles no!
hi superdzu!
sungguh sopan hang hari ni, i want to bastardise your name as per usual oso segan oredi.
i lobe your nephew!!!
apesal tak kenal sape pon?
akak! u go bandung 3 weeks! mak ai! like cuti skolah ok! i nak itut!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hi pms!
wegra nak pegi bandung?
as in air bandung?
wegra nak minum air bandung?
tiga minggu berturut2?
eh, apasal i text you never reply?
i small heart la like this.
Isn't it just great? Meeting old friends, good ones. Love the song too.
sila balik, i'll introduce...
cik pijah + cik pms
alamak! teruk jugak my written communication, you peeps salah faham ...
i meant i'll be away 3 WEEKENDS in a row
1st weekend pengapit in kuala kangsar
2nd weekend pengapit in kuala lumpur :op [kene berkepit ke hulu ke hilir ok]
3rd weekend skodeng in bandung
tapi my parents tengah kechoh, sebab i'll be driving alone to kk, macam laa orang tak pernah travel alone dulu. ish! boring tul adiks2 lain tak de ... maybe i should make one of the cats sick so that they worry about the cat instead. hmmmmm ...
yup! sure is. :o)
i WILL be around the hotel lobby area on THAT DAY to WITNESS wegra jadik pengapit berjaya :D
sila jangan disclose hotel ...
eh? panic attack!!!
cemana nak jadi pengapit nih??? what should i do apart from taking photos from pelamin's view ...
harks! panic attack semula!!!
if they give u the big kipas with the long handle, just take it and whack the pengantin when they start to slouch. LOL
-pekerja hotel ________-
lucky you're married with one kid ... otherwise i pancing jadi your pengapit and whack you when you slouch 'cos you used to laik to slouch, do you still???
i still do..
years of police cadet training failed to change me.
*lama tak kena cubit ngan weggs sbb slouch*
errr ... did i use to cubit you??? alamak! seriously???
all apologies ...
i know laa you're very the galah the panjang but miss vicky confirm meraung all her training failed to change you. :op
still remember her most famous saying:
can you underrrstand meeee...
can youu...
all of youuu.....
i am as cute as the nephew.
lets find miss vicky + visit her. rindu laa ... hehe!
errr ... errr ... errr ... if you think ...
eh, pengapit bukan kena berdiri control ayu cam pengantin ke? apa pulak pengapit kena amik gambar lak ni?
hi betik!!
cik pms
you want me to be your pengapit???
oh yeah.. nirvana....
conjures memories of ye olde times at college. wids melalak ngan gitar kapok nye
suddenly i feel like nak dgr lagu subculture.. wids .. ada kaset dia lagi dak
true! true! moh gi visit widie at work, moh!
a request ... nanti kat lobby hang main lagu subculture on the grand piano ek ... dah on piano, nobody would suspect. ;o)
ly-d kembali
tak rindu miss vicky ker???
ni chatspace ke hapa ni?
hang ngan pijoh seghupa sajalan.
hi ly-d!
meeting old frens. me like.
shaddap pms.
like forever.
please shaddap.
hi wegra!
you tak yah shaddap k.
coz i like you.
cik pms
you reckon i seghupo ngan cik pijah???
cik pijah = genius
wegra = cik pijah
genius = wegra
auuwww!!! ske!!! i lobe yewww, cik pms!!!
i too like! :o)
i like you too but i like your hemsem nephew more!!!
"hi hemsem! how you doin'?"
cik pijoh
hang dah bangkit lum????
last nite, i had tracy chapman's fast car playing in my head.
you were the one who fed me with tracy chapman, weren't you? in your room, with ena inside, at night and the lyrics went piercing. *wegra trying to exercise her failing memories from college* :op
wegra, i can teman u to kuala kangsor .. so that ur parents tak worried.
eh sat.
tak leh, i kena g muwor.
raja alasan sudah kembali!
kene buat base check ngan your parents laa tuh. :op
base check tu sama ngan base jumping ke?
dear dzu,
apa shadap shadap?
gi join BEP la kalau ingat you terpekik terlolong shadap2 tu best sangat. huh!
piraaahhhh mabuk!
peace weg!
cik pms
jom wat base jump
*wegra berangan wat base jump*
*wegra flashing a big grin at cik pms*
base jump, check base ngan touch base serta touch rugby. adakah kesemua diatas bendalah yang sama? hurm...
*garu2 janggut jap nak pikir*
kalau HOMERUN??
*cik pms flashing a big b**b to wegra*
*wegra tulun cik pms garu with her big grin still in tact*
say whatt???
u tolong i garu whatt???
cik pms
wehhhh ... penat ok control gelak quietly, pintu bilik terbukak, kang bebudak dengar, esok tak jadi gi kuala kangsar, tanjung rambutan juga sampai ...
the garu bit ... what you want me to garu ... janggut rite???
omakai! dah mcm chat space ler plak!
hi dzu!
ni dah abih menggaru lom! wegra! gelak tutup mulut!! nanti abih org sumer pelik kang apela boss meka dok wat keje gelak2 kat dlm bilik tu!
mulut tutup with muffled laughter seeping out, tapi badan bergegar2
sah2 dah sewel ... mesti seme orang kesian ...
haha mana ada buat base check.
mmg kena g muwor ler .. kalau idak ok jek. kuala kangsar kat perak kan? ke kat kuala kubu?
ngeh ngeh ngeh
terima kasih bebanyak.
i'm fine driving up to kuala kangsar on my own. i kenot convoy bekos dema gone earlier, i kenot follow, buat2 busy at the opis.
hi everyone!
i love heath ledger!
and pete yorn!
and i dah habis tengok the 'L' word season 1!
pms...next box set pls!
can i watch the L season?
tenkiu pms.
i lap u
Semekom..tumpang lalu naaaa...
Nirvana!! Coolio :p
its L WORD la betikkkk...
bukan L season. menda ah u..
can can. but first, u must tell me why u want to become a lesbo like kak na.
i oso have second season. and third season on the way, insyallah...
eh, leh cakap insyallah ke untuk citer softporn?
ko mmg carik gaduh yek pms .. benci tau. salah tulis pun tokleh, dah ada guru bahasa dah ..
bawak2 ler tido cik paun .. eh puan :p
uhuk! uhuk!
i pwomise naz i'd be in kuala kangsar for lunch but me just got text from me cute lagi chomel client to prepare a new budget based on her new requirements for her 2 pm meeting.
uhuk! uhuk!
wegra!! jgn dok blog hopping grinning fr ear to ear. pi wat koje! sat gi i kacau u ngan aiskerim ben&jerry
hi wegra!
you coming tonight to the adidas show?
come lah
i make sure abizan skodeng you from jauh...so you tak payah malu2 ok?
hi betik!
yo pijoh!
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