Tuesday, December 27, 2005


my late opah always pesan,"samirah, cari pasangan dari keturunan bangsawan". in my head, i imagined a chinese opera actor with full stage make up and full stage costume. yes, it's a concept i can't relate to. probably that was why i had a relationship with a chinese boy, i had that image in my head everytime arwah opah pesan the same pesanan. so, subconsciously i went looking for a sepet. :op

my late opah always pesan, "samirah, cari pasangan yang sekufu" too. that made me stare into a blank for it's not a concept i'm familiar with and i have no back up picture which can be linked to the word "sekufu". i went around telling hefle as well, "kene cari pasangan yang sekufu". hefle asked, "sekufu tu apa yam?". i went. "ntah!". :op

so today hefle told me what it meant;

Heffy says:
smalam i baca artikel kat malay newspaper masa tgh makan
Heffy says:
cara2 utk memilih suami dlm islam
Maryam says:
Heffy says:
pasal sekufu tu ada 5 ke 6 ciri2
Heffy says:
i lupa la ..
Heffy says:
tapi satu is kluarga..macam takleh ada beza sgt
Heffy says:
lagi satu kerjaya..
Heffy says:
isteri takleh lebih2 terror dari hubby
Heffy says:
yg lain ciri2 biasa la
Maryam says:
kalo hubby pemalas kerja, pas tu isteri climb the ladder, cemana
Heffy says:
lyg tu i take not
Heffy says:
take note
Heffy says:
yg berkemampuan
Maryam says:
Heffy says:
melindungi wanita drp bahaya
Heffy says:
pandai menjaga darjat diri
Heffy says:
bercakap dikota n diamalkan
Heffy says:
berkebolehan dalam urusan rumahtangga supaya boleh menolong isteri
Heffy says:
mempunyai kepercayaan penuh kepada bakal isteri
Heffy says:
Heffy says:
berfikiran luas
Heffy says:
tidak harap titik peluh isteri
Heffy says:
mudah memaafkan
Heffy says:
dtgdari keturunan baik2
Heffy says:
tidak ada keturunan yg gila babi
Heffy says:
Heffy says:
rajin beribadah
Heffy says:
berbudi bahasa
Heffy says:
Maryam says:
i copy dalam my blog OK
Heffy says:


Erra said...

that conversation between hefle and i was just an omong2 kosong.

i haven't really delved into the concept "sekufu", so i haven't got a personal definition of the word "sekufu".

social economic status and cultural background can cause difficulties in a relationship, i've experienced that.

Erra said...

p.s. social economic status = me being the lower caste. :op

elly said...

i had asked heffy the same qs. i didnt know the meaning of the word at all. Mebbe i've heard of it in the past but didnt pay that much attention into it at that particular time.

In general, shouldnt everything in life be balanced? (tho i thk logically it shud be easy, but the practicality of it in today's world?? i thk thats another topic altogether eh??)

(just my omong2 kosong)

Erra said...


looking back, i think what's important is your partner is someone who can jive with you. someone who accepts you as you are and is reciprocal.

lain semua material.

elly said...

btw besok birthday sape ek?? ;)

Erra said...

baby arina!!!

elly said...

yes! and wegra too!!

Erra said...

i just remembered

zetty leaving today kan?

i haven't said my goodbyes

erk! tummy grumbling. famish ... lapar! lapar! lapar!