went to http://www.drawahouse.com, and here's their verdict. manyak tipu muslihat! both versions produced the same outcome.

Your house tells the world that you ought to be a leader. You are a freedom lover and a strong person. You love your house and family. You are a gifted artist as well. Once you have a problem, you need a friend with you. Your life is always full of changes. Once you have a problem, you need a friend with you. Your life is always full of changes.
You will avoid being alone and seek the company of others whenever possible. You love excitement and create it wherever you go. You see the world as it is, not as you believe it should be.You added a flower into your drawing. The flower signifies that you long for love. We also see that you are sensuous, sexual, and privately passionate. You don't think much about yourself.
i wonder why didn't u colour in the face at the bottom right corner of the pic.
Sebab the background was white and so I tot ok lah, my face white maa. Hahahahahaha!
I think that was where "You don't think much about yourself." came from. Chait! I was conned!
I coloured the face oso they gave the same verdict - "You don't think much about yourself."
grrrrr .......
i think i need to draw a giant me lah, then they'll remove the statement.
Me bloghopped from Zuhri's blog.Ive been meanin to read ur blog for ages but hvnt gotten to it until now.Itupun baru first entry and I find it interesting..Anyways can I link u so senang for me.
sure em, no problemo
enche zuhri
lu ala agree ka with lu punya analysis?
wegra, sensuous, sexual n privately passionate ek?? wowee junior juice!!
hehehe.. still a kanak2 ribena (kononla!!)
some je yang betul kot ... not all ... widie? lynor? what say you, ada betul ka?
where are you?!
weggers upset, shukor kata weggers gomok ... :o(
apsal rumah orang lain lawa dari umah aku?? uwaaaaa!!!
eh? lawa ke, ma kasheh! time baru kene tego gomok ada orang puji rumah! ye! ye! sukanya
your house cute, kemas, lawa pe?
ask shukor when he last checked his eyes?? ;) tell him to buzz off jer.
And i agree with zuhri. More space for touching eh??hehe..
last nite i really did went swimming. this morning, i can't get off the bed. hehe! "O" oledi!
wanna go? had the pool to myself. in plaza damas appartment.
uncle zuhri
i moved the post to my other blog since kat sana ada better reach to me target market. :op
wegra suka pool with miss tilaka in it. with her fluorescent yellow one-piece suit (miss tilaka, not wegra. although it would be nice to see wegra in fluorescent colours once in a while). weehee!!
you remembered!!!!!!
i can see the picture of miss tilaka with us in my head. but why is she there eh? *wegra went head scratching*
i saw miss tilaka somewhere mid year this year. she remembered me and hugged me. auuwww!!!!
when can we go and visit them, borak2 with them. rindu laa pulak, especially miss vicky. hehehe!
no thanks, enche zuhri
i have the lifeguard cert oso, i promise to guard me life. :op
i've 2 other older blogs, but am thinking of killing them. getting too heavy. plus cik hefleen told me to drop blogging and marah me for tak nak dengar cakap kawan. :op
so, here is good.
yup! sini i can chill and put my feet up since i'm amongst friends. :o)
my name is maryam samirah.
my distant families call me samirah. one of my relatives was in tkc when i enrolled in form 1. she, kak irene, and the late kak ida j kata "samirah" tak cool, so they told their other friends to call me, "erra" and it got stuck.
"wegra" came after erra fazira got into the market. uji, my friend, started calling me that, manja2 style, everyone followed and it too got stuck.
sorry to disappoint you, there's no interesting story behind it. :o)
saya yang lukis ... tulin kak! tulin!!!
Adakah itu Ms Amanah Raya Berhad kita?!
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